신 선 영 Sun Yung Shin was born in Seoul, Korea and was raised in the Chicago area. She is a poet, writer, and cultural worker.  read more 

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Essay reading, Wednesday, May 24 · 7pm CDT, Poetry as Spellcasting Virtual Launch Party, more info and reserve a spot –

Keynote, June 2, 2023, 1 pm, Minnesota Statewide Extension Master Gardener Conference, more info –

Reading, June 10, 2023, 2p.m., 30 years of Queer Voices Reading Series during the Pride Reading at the Minneapolis Central Library, Pohlad Hall, 300 Nicollet Mall

The Wet Hex named Poetry contest winner – The Society of Midland Authors 2023 Awards for Books Published in 2022. More info –

Books by Sun Yung Shin:


신 선 영 Sun Yung Shin was born in Seoul, Korea and was raised in the Chicago area. She is a poet, writer, and cultural worker.  read more 

News & Events:

Essay reading, Wednesday, May 24 · 7pm CDT, Poetry as Spellcasting Virtual Launch Party, more info and reserve a spot –

Keynote, June 2, 2023, 1 pm, Minnesota Statewide Extension Master Gardener Conference, more info –

Reading, June 10, 2023, 2p.m., 30 years of Queer Voices Reading Series during the Pride Reading at the Minneapolis Central Library, Pohlad Hall, 300 Nicollet Mall

The Wet Hex named Poetry contest winner – The Society of Midland Authors 2023 Awards for Books Published in 2022. More info –

Books by Sun Yung Shin:

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